Papers and Preprints
- M.J. Colbrook, A. Horning, and T. Xie, “Computing generalized eigenfunctions in rigged Hilbert spaces.” Submitted 2024.
- A Horning and A.R. Gerlach, “A family of high-order accurate contour integral methods for strongly continuous semigroups.” Submitted 2024.
- M.J. Colbrook, C. Drysdale, and A. Horning, “Rigged Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Data-Driven Generalized Eigenfunction Decompositions for Koopman Operators.” To appear in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.
- J. Zvonek, A. Horning, and A. Townsend, “ContHutch++: Stochastic trace estimation for implicit integral operators.” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 63.1 (2025): 334-359.
- M.J. Colbrook, A. Horning, K. Thicke, and A.B. Watson, “Computing spectral properties of topological insulators without artificial truncation or supercell approximation.” IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 88.1 (2023): 1-42.
- A. Horning and Y. Nakatsukasa, “Twice is enough for dangerous eigenvalues.” SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43.1 (2022): 68-93.
- M.J. Colbrook, A. Horning, and A. Townsend, “Computing spectral measures of self-adjoint operators.” SIAM Review 63.3 (2021): 489-524. SIAM Activity Group on CSE Best Paper Prize
- A. Horning, and A. Townsend, “FEAST for differential eigenvalue problems.” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58.2 (2020): 1239-1262.
- Y.P. Timalsina, et al. “Effects of nanoscale surface roughness on the resistivity of ultrathin epitaxial copper films.” Nanotechnology 26.7 (2015): 075704.
- C. Daniels, et al. “Elastic, plastic, and fracture mechanisms in graphene materials.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27.37 (2015): 373002.
Conference Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed)
- M.J. Colbrook and A. Horning, “SpecSolve: Spectral methods for spectral measures” ICOSAHOM 2020+1. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer vol. 137 (2023).
- A. Horning, R. Morgan, and E. Nielson, “Minimum number of observations for exoplanet orbit determination.” Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX. 4. Vol. 11117. SPIE (2018).